Hilton Head Properties Real Estate Investments

Corporate Info

Board of Directors
Chase D Fonteno

President / CEO / Founder – ‘Chase’ D. Fonteno

Involved in the Real Estate investment arena for over 20 years, has owned and managed over 3,000 single family and multi-family properties in the Houston, Dallas and Ft Worth areas. Mr. Fonteno attended the University of Houston and San Jacinto College with majors in Mechanical Engineering, and Business Finance.

Mr. Fonteno founded Hilton Head Properties, Inc., in December 1999, but did not actively start the company until December 2003. He currently sits as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and holds over 80% of the company's stock.

President of The Phoenix Foundation, a charitable foundation providing housing assistance and more, to assist women & children escaping abusive home lives.

Mr. Fonteno also sits as the Chairman of the Hilton Head Charitable Land Trust, a new entity which was formed to acquire land in the US, to maintain permanently in its natural environment to never be developed. The entity is currently seeking its first acquisition.

N. Alex Bickley

Corporate Counsel - N. Alex Bickley - Director Emeritus

Deceased - Mr Bickley recently passed away, HHP is currently seeking a proper replacement for his Director position

One of the founders of Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport and served as City Attorney for the City of Dallas for 17 years as well as several other cities around the Dallas area.

Mr. Bickley, a well known individual in Dallas, has been a lecturer of Eminent Domain, Oil & Gas and Real Estate Law as well as the President and Trustee of numerous charitable organizations and legal foundations.

Mr. Bickley, who received his Doctorate of Jurisprudence from the University of Texas School of Law in 1941 and Honorary Doctor of Law Degrees from McMurry and Bishop Colleges, is a retired Navy Submarine Captain who awarded the Bronze Star and the Silver Submarine decoration with three Stars. Mr Bickley is a 32 degree Mason and a 60-year Eagle Scout Veteran. Alex's information has remained on this site as a memorial to the drive, leadership and respect towards all that that Alex lived by every day, which has affected so many people for the better.


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