Sterling Partners unique Associates program was designed by 'Chase' D. Fonteno, as an alternative to the constant 'seminar' guru's who charged considerable amounts of money to teach individuals how to invest, without follow-up or common benefit.
The program is designed to pair qualified individuals with the Sterling's Associate Program Director, who trains and mentors the individuals for up to two (2) years into becoming successful Real Estate Investors - AT NO CHARGE - with Sterling providing office space and various services, including assisting with obtaining capital.
Sterling assists the individual with setting up their own company, where they purchase properties at deep discounts and sell the same to individuals who are seeking an opportunity to own a home for little down that may need repairs.
The Company then typically offers to purchase the mortgage at a discount or arranges for the mortgage to be sold. Therein, Sterling and the Associate profit from sale of the mortgages, and yet providing the Associate with significant profits on his acquisitions.
Sterling assists with setting up a company for the Associate to do their Real Estate Investing, and providing (for a fee) office space, desk, phones, free long distance, computers and other equipment, legal assistance, secretarial assistance, research assistance, title help, financing help, sales assistance, collections and more, all as part of their services.
The individual typically does not need any capital, as the Company assist with providing or locating capital - with Associates primarily providing only hard work and determination.
Note: Sterling Parners and Associates operate independent of Hilton Head Properties, Inc. and Hilton Head Properties has no ownership interest in either, the associate's companies or Sterling Partners. |